We had two Thanksgiving celebrations again this year. The first was on Thursday night when we invited some Macedonian friends: three other couples and their children to join us for dinner. 

Since it isn't a holiday here, dinner was at 8:00 pm, after all our guests got off of work! We had a great time introducing our friends to traditional Thanksgiving dishes; they particularly love our sweet potato casserole (though we make it with pumpkin since sweet potatoes aren't available here) -- but they eat it for dessert since Macedonians do not eat sweet and savory together! We shared a verse from a Psalm and ask everyone to write down what they are thankful for; then we read them aloud and try to guess whose is whose.
Then on Friday our teammates from Ohrid and a few other friends poured in for our American (post-)Thanksgiving celebration! (Lee and Brandon came from Albania and Jan & Ethan came from Bitola.)
It was so great to be together. Our Thanksgiving celebrations have become really special as we are family for one another, when our own families are so far away. 
Thank you, Lord, for such blessings!