Thursday, February 24, 2011

Light Shone in the Darkness, and the Darkness Could Not Overcome it!

Sunday night we had gathered in our living room for Bible study as usual.  There were nine plus me and the kids (Kyle was in Bosnia).  Suddenly, about half-way through, the lights went out -- as far as we could see in town, the lights were out.  There was no storm; just no light!  We lit some candles and then our teammate Jeff, who was leading the Bible study, asked what everyone wanted to do.  It was unanimous: continue!  So we continued another 45 minutes and finished by candlelight.  It was such a blessing to see that darkness could not deter them!  Thank you, Lord, for Your Light that shines in the darkness!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Daniel hits double digits!

Yesterday was Daniel's birthday and he is now TEN years old!  (How on earth our youngest is now ten, is beyond me!)  Unfortunately, Kyle is in Bosnia for a conference, so we celebrated with presents before Kyle left, we celebrated with the traditional pancake breakfast yesterday and we will celebrate with cake and friends after Kyle gets back!  We know how to have a marathon celebration!
Daniel, you were a surprise but now we are so glad you are part of our family!  We are so proud of the young man God is forming in you.  We love you so much!!!