Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Many Apologies

Sorry we have been so bad in updating the blog. August was just a crazy month and September isn't promising to be much better! Part of the problem was that our digital camera is broken and I don't want to just give you text!

Anyway, September is here and things are in full-gear. All the kids are in school- Daniel in kindergarten, Josh a 1st grader, Rebekah in 4th grade and Angela in 7th! They are all excited and happy about new books and in some cases new friends, in others seeing old friends.

Things are going well with Angela. She is adapting well to our family as we are adapting to her! Please keep praying for us and this big transition in our lives.

Other prayer issues:
1) "Purpose Driven Life" has been translated and printed in Macedonian. We will be having a promotion of the book in about 2 weeks and will also be trying to get it into book stores. Our church will begin 40 Days of Purpose at the same time. Pray that many small groups would be started with the help of this book and that the church will sharpen her focus to be more effective in ministry.

2) Our team has begun 40 days of prayer and fasting for Macedonia. If you would like to join us the calendar is linked in the margin to the right. We are focusing our prayers on a spiritual awakening among Macedonians, the salvation of specific friends and asking God to change us too!

Thanks for your faithful prayers. Look for some pictures soon, especially of the baptism which took place this last Sunday.

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