The last two weeks have been full but good. My parents, Vance and Cherry, came to visit for 10 days and we had a great time. The kids really enjoyed being with their grandparents- walking to school with them, having special stories, and enjoying a weekend in the mountains.

We had a great time hiking in the historic region of Galicnik, a wonderfully picturesque mountain village. We wore ourselves out with some long and steep hikes, but thoroughly enjoyed the turning leaves and the crisp air. Yes, we hiked to the top of this mountain!

Daniel must be doing better in Macedonian, because his pre-school teacher complained that he was talking too much to his friends yesterday! He seems to be enjoying school, although computer games are his first love!
Angela is adapting well to our family, but not so well to school! Apparently, her village school was not up to speed and she is struggling to meet the 7th grade standard here in the city. Jackie and I are also struggling to know how to help her learn and what kind of schedule we need to set. This is a big issue for us right now and we are more than a little confused and frustrated! Please make this a matter of prayer for us!
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