We all froze this past week – including our computer!!! Temperatures dropped suddenly and I was NOT ready for it! I had forgotten how cold this house gets! Thankfully the sun's back out and we've thawed nicely so we are now enjoying fall AND a friend cleaned all the viruses off our computer so it should be working smoothly again (I'm still looking for a few folders but they're bound to be here somewhere!). The pic above is from our bedroom and the one below is from Rebekah's. God certainly knows how to do Fall!!!
We spent the weekend in Skopje where we lived until last year. The kids had a blast being there. We drove past our old house and Josh said mournfully, ''That was the best house. And the street's so nice too – not too busy and so close to school. This was a good place to live.'' They all enjoy certain aspects of living in Prilep but still often mention Skopje; they've made plenty of friends in Prilep but it's not the same as being with those with whom they ''grew up'' – I mean, those with whom they went to preschool, then the first few years of school. I'm glad they have such good memories of Skopje but I also hope it doesn't become some sort of Shangri La for them! (Afterall, Skopje has McDonald's and Prilep doesn't – what could be more harmonious and ethereal than going to McDonald's?!) This weekend we visited many friends and the boys in particular were extremely worn out by the time we loaded up to head home!
This time last year Rebekah, Joshua and Daniel were the newbies in school. This year things are dramatically different as they all feel at home with the school, classmates and teachers. Rebekah especially seems to be flourishing this year (the boys had less of a struggle and settled in nicely last year) and she seems to be studying more, making some wise decisions on friends and overall she seems to be happier. She's been enjoying making posters for her classes and in history they studied America's beginnings so she was excited to do a poster for that lesson. It turned out great as you can see below – ''CAD'' is Macedonian for ''USA'' – literally translated it would be ''United American States.''
Joshua and Daniel are doing great too. They are both very much into Star Wars and/or anything spy-related. They both play twice a week in a basketball club. We just recently got some baseball equipment that we hope to use for ministry but I know the boys (well, and Rebekah) are looking forward to ''helping'' in that ministry!! In the picture below Daniel (L) and Joshua (R) are with a friend from Greece at the fortress above our city.
Joshua is doing great in school but he goes to school on a different shift from Rebekah & Daniel so he is home alone (with Mom!) every day. He's fine until I remind him of homework or chores; I have nicknamed him Puddleglum (from C.S. Lewis' Silver Chair)! We recently discovered Life Talk Kids radio and I am noticing a big difference in his attitude when he listens to that before getting to work.
Daniel says that all the kids in his class fight – including the girls – and he and one other boy, Hari, are the only ones who try to stop them. He likes school – he likes learning, but he does not like all the fighting.
Thank you so much for praying for our children. Please continue to pray that they would grow in love for Jesus and in His wisdom.
**We have a team here from Arkansas. They will be visiting people's homes and helping with English classes at the beginning of the week and then Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights they'll be leading a parenting seminar and sharing about the Bible's relevance in today' world. Please pray for their time here!