Sunday was a big holiday here, celebrating the first shots in Macedonia's revolt against the facist occupiers in 1941. Prilep may be a small town but her people are brave and led the country in the rebellion! The first shots were fired in our town center, with the Macedonian rebels hiding behind the wall you see in the picture below. Every year on the evening of the 10th of October they have a huge celebration including a re-enactment of the fighting followed by fireworks.
The town square and main street were packed, and I have to say that we were very impressed with the fireworks! They were spectacular!
On Sunday we picnicked with a small group from our Bible study in a nearby village. We cooked out, played American football, played soccer, and just hung out and ate a lot!
Early in the day, the guys sat around discussing a passage of scripture and then after lunch Kyle told the whole group about when Jesus fed the 5000 on the mountainside. The group was small as many were either sick or had prior commitments but we had a great time together and our bonds as a group continue to grow.

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