I never thought I'd hear my children groan at the sight of snow falling! This morning, as it "rained snow" (and it was quite a downpour), we all voted for spring. Unfortunately we were apparently overruled!
Today is March 8th, which throughout the Balkans is celebrated as Women's Day. The joke is that March is women's month because the weather can change in a split second. (Are you laughing with me?) Anyway, today would be the rough equivalent of America's Mother's Day, however, ALL women are honored here. Teachers especially must not be forgotten, so all our kids took little gifts to school today. Not so hard for Joshua and Daniel since they each have one teacher; Rebekah however has five women teachers! As I said, she gave small gifts!
I returned home this morning to find Daniel sitting on the couch looking pale. I asked what was wrong and he handed me a sign, penned in his own hand, which read, "I'm in time out! I put myself here! I am a doofise!"
Poor guy. He tearfully told me that he had spent close to $10 on a toy this morning and then realized that he had no money left to buy me something for Women's Day. I suggested he cook dinner for me.
A few hours later Josh came in brandishing a new toy he had bought on the way home from school (the LONG way home!) Have you guessed by now that yesterday was allowance day?
Anyway, I'll now have at least two cooks cooking for me tonight. Who knows? Rebekah just may join them (though she'd be distraught if I didn't point out that she DID NOT buy a toy for herself).
It may turn out to be the best Women's Day ever!
Ladies' Coffee Update
Saturday night we hosted our Ladies' Coffee Time in celebration of Women's Day. Three young ladies from our church in Skopje came down to lead the program. Twenty women listened as they sang and shared their testimonies. What a blessing for Amy and me to sit in the background while a Macedonian shared a clear presentation of the gospel with these ladies!
Those who are already involved in our Bible studies seemed to really enjoy visiting with these other believers. They almost seemed like old friends together! It was really a fantastic evening. Please pray that God would continue to use their testimonies to touch the hearts of those who heard. Pray also for the Bible study on New Testament Women that we plan to start tomorrow (Tuesday).
Sunday Night Group
We had our second meeting of our new Sunday night Bible study – the group of those who want to study the Bible deeper. We focused on what the Bible says about God's glory and how we are created to praise and worship Him and only Him. Traditions were discussed; this is a difficult topic. Pray for us all to be wise and seek, through all that we do whether in Bible study or out, to bring God the glory He alone deserves.
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