R&R on our Team Retreat
We had a FANTASTIC team retreat in late April. Unfortunately, because of the volcano in Iceland, the team from FBC, Ruston, Louisiana, arrived two days late. They arrived in time for the retreat but we are so sorry they didn't get to see Prilep and meet some of friends there. Instead they came directly to the hotel in Bitola and had to hit the ground running, jet leg or not!
The REALLY great news is that, despite the delay, they arrived with all their luggage. Our kids wallowed in fabulous American treats like Goldfish, Fritoes, Cheetos, Reeses Peanut Butter Cups and Super Bubble Bubble Gum! The team even brought some comics from the Sunday paper. As you can see, our kids didn't waste any time getting down to business!
We all really needed the time to retreat a bit and regroup with Jesus! Despite several more getting this stomach virus (ugghh!!!), the fellowship was great and the kids absolutely loved the class times with the team! All the children (well, those who can talk!) are still talking about the great time they had! Thank you SO much, FBC, Ruston for sending a team and thank you SO VERY EXTRA much to Sharon, Penny, Ellen and Mary, for all your time and effort! You truly blessed us and we desperately needed it! There is no way we could have done it without you!
Here are a few pics from the retreat:
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