Saturday, July 08, 2006

Back from Poland

We got home a week ago from our 10 day trip to Poland. We were there with more than 400 other missionaries from all over central and eastern Europe. The first few days were business meetings, followed by a week of great worship times and some good teaching and training. The highlight of the time, as it is every year, was the fellowship with colleagues whom we see only once a year.
The kids had a great time. Volunteers from churches in the states did VBS classes for the kids and they put on a musical for all of us at the end of the week. The kids really enjoyed the great water park at the hotel! There were 8 different pools and a collection of water slides! At least every other day we were in the water and loving it.
Unfortunately, our digital camera is busted, but some friends took some pics for us so hopefully we will post some in the days ahead.

-summer is always a down-time in Skopje. Pray that we will stay focused on the task and use some of the downtime to sharpen our plans for the future.
-pray for student beach-reach during the month of July in the town of Ohrid.
-pray for preparation for an ESL camp from August 5-12


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