Monday, March 29, 2010

Fantastic movie with a poignant message: MOST

Ten young people from our church in Skopje arrived by train Friday morning. They passed out flyers across town inviting people to a movie we were showing that night. The movie was an award-winning Czech film called "Most," (translated: "Bridge") and is a modern day story of a father and son who have a great relationship but in the end, with anguish, the father must choose to allow his son to die so that the lives of many will be saved. The movie is really good – I'm getting chills just remembering it. (To see the trailer: )
We were pleased to have about 70-80 see the film. After the film, one of the students from Skopje gave a brief presentation of the Gospel and we invited everyone to come to a seminar Saturday night at the club.

Saturday is Market Day so the streets were filled with people going to and from the market. Our "mission team" from Skopje made the most of the crowds by passing out tracts throughout town. Tracts were put in the hands of many people and on the doors of many homes.

Saturday night at the club we had questions about Easter for discussion and one young girl shared her testimony.

The group was small – in fact many of our regulars weren't even there – but there were a few new faces. At the end of the seminar, we handed out copies of Josh McDowell's More than a Carpenter.

Sunday we all had brunch together and then a worship time before they headed back to Skopje.

It was really a great weekend. The evangelistic efforts don't seem to have produced much immediate fruit, but many, many seeds were planted and we pray that God will continue to nurture those seeds to grow into strong fruitful trees deeply rooted in Him.

One immediate blessing from the weekend was the fellowship times between the young people in our Bible studies and those from the church in Skopje.

It was so wonderful to see how quickly they bonded and to see how encouraged those from Prilep were just having other young people speak so openly about their struggles and their love for Christ.

Two young girls from Skopje stayed in the home of one of our regulars and they stayed up until 3 am talking Friday night and until 4 am Saturday night! Not only did they enjoy each others' company, but the girl from Prilep told me Sunday night, "I was so exhausted when I left work on Friday afternoon but after spending the weekend with Tanja and Marina, I feel so refreshed – as if it's been forever since I was at work!"

It was also such a blessing for us to be with "our folks" from Skopje.
We have known most of those who came since they were in elementary school, and some even since they were toddlers! Rebekah in particular enjoyed being with old friends!

Thank you so much for praying for this past weekend. Please continue to pray that the seeds that were planted would sprout and grow. And pray also for the new friendships that God is building among believers.

Coming Up:
Wednesday night, March 31: All our Bible Studies will combine to have a joint Bible study to prepare us for Easter.
Friday night, April 2: The film „The Passion of Christ“ will be shown at our club.
Sunday night, April 4: We'll have an Easter worship time with our Sunday night small group.

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