Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Women's Day, 2011

March 8th is Women's  Day and it is celebrated across Europe, especially in the Balkans.  It is similar to Mother's Day in America except that you don't have to have children in order to celebrate!  Friends give friends gifts and often women co-workers go out together for dinner and an evening of folk dancing.

Last night we honored our ladies by hosting a cooking class just for them.  (Many of you may be wondering what kind of an honor that is, but they WANT to try new dishes!)  Our teammate Amy organized us with three different types of American cookies to mix up and then the PLAN was for us to have a speaker while they were baking.  Unfortunately the oven kept blowing fuses, so we mixed the batter and then listened to our speaker -- and never baked the cookies!  (Thankfully we had other food we could snack on!)
We had a great turn out and were so pleased at the wide range of ages that came.  The cooking class was a great way to have people of all ages mix and get to know one another. And it was a lot of fun -- would have been more fun to eat them too, but we'll work that out for next time!

Our guestspeaker was Lile Toevska, a believer from our church in Skopje.  Lile gave her testimony and God really spoke through her.  Several of the women came up afterwards, some with tears in their eyes, to talk with her.  In her testimony, she mentioned a book that had been integral in her decision to follow Christ -- it was unplanned (by us, but certainly planned by Someone Else!), but we had copies of that book and were able to offer them to those who wanted them.  Many women were pleased to accept it.

Both Amy and I commented this morning that we were so excited that we had trouble sleeping last night!  But it was a good opportunity to pray for the seeds that were sown!  God is so good.  Thank you for praying for the people of Prilep to "Taste and see that the Lord is good!"

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