Friday, July 28, 2006

Big #7!

Today, actually yesterday, as this is being posted after midnight, was Joshua's 7th birthday! Despite the roaring summer temps, we had a great day together. Josh got the traditional pancake breakfast complete with a pancake in the shape of a "7". He got gifts from all family, with his favorite being a pair of roller blades. Mom and Dad instantly realized the mistake of this gift when the other kids began demanding their own pair!

We completed the day with a very Macedonian-like birthday party- more adults present than kids! We had our neighbors and some church-friends over for a meal out in the yard. Jackie made a great cake- Ninja Turtle theme- and the kids took turns on the roller blades while adults just hung out and visited. In good Balkan fashion, our guests were here till 11pm!

Thanks for the many notes we got regarding Josh's special day. We appreciate your prayers for him. We were very proud of him this evening as we bowed to pray for our food and he led the whole gathering in prayer in Macedonian! He is a good kid.

Pics from the special day:

1) The pancake.
2) The roller blader
3) Little brother helps out with unwrapping a gift!

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